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Autumn Curriculum

Where are we?


This term, we will be asking the question "Where are we?".  The children will be looking at the United Kingdom in Geography and where we would find where we live using maps. In History, children will consider how things have changed in our local area. When looking at creation, we will consider how we fit into God's creation and why he created us. 

Year 1 mug painting with parents and Sarah from Potsy Pamsy

Painting with scissors like Matisse

Bidding prayer readers - Year 1 and 2 Mass 12.10.23

Identifying features of Stafford

Our Henri Matisse double page spread

Looking at human features and physical features in Geography. 22.9.23

Creating a water colour wash for our double page spread in Art. 13.9.23

Investigating concrete resources in Maths! 5th September
