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Dear Parents/ Carers

 I just wanted to say thank you for all the support that you have given to the children and me.

You have all adjusted well to changes in our Homework Policy and the children are progressing very well.

Best wishes,

Mrs Mawdsley

Homework in Year 4

Daily Arithmetic Practice

It is an expectation that children in Year 4 will practise their arithmetic skills each day.  The website My Mini Maths will be used for this.  There are 8 questions for each day and the answers are provided.  We believe this daily practice will be very beneficial for the children.




One of the most important parts of homework is regular reading practice.  If children develop a love of reading and books it will help them in every aspect of their learning in school.  


Century Tech

Century Tech is where online homework tasks will be set each week.  An English and Maths 'Nugget' will be set every week for your child to complete.  If you want your child to do more homework then the Century Tech Individual Pathway allows for this.


Times Tables

At the end of Year 4 there is a Statutory assessment for Times Tables.  It will help your child tremendously if they know their times tables facts fluently by the end of Year 4.  Please try to practise daily and use Times Tables Rockstars to complete at least three studio sessions every week.


Spellings in Year 4 will be sent home on a half termly sheet.  If your child is finding the words too difficult or too easy, please let me know and I can differentiate the words accordingly.  Thank you for your support with learning spellings at home.

Spelling List for Autumn 1

Spelling List Autumn 2 2021
