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Summer Term Week 5 (18.05.20)

PLEASE NOTE: Wednesdays live lessons will be 10-11 and then 11.30-12.30

Class Dojo login: HMH RIP



9-9.30 - PE with Joe Wicks


English - live lesson

Today, we are going to plan a biography about Neil Armstrong. Think very carefully about the difference between a biography and an autobiography. We need to come up with subheadings to help us organise our work. Under each subheading, I would like you to make bullet point notes about what you can include in this section. I have done the first section for you:


Early life/ childhood.

  • Born 1930, Ohio, USA
  • First flight 6 years old
  • Flying lessons 15
  • Pilot licence 16
  • Grew up in WW2


Other possible subheadings could be university life, being a pilot, astronaut training, Apollo 11. To get my subheadings, I used the ebook power point with all the information we have looked at about Neil Armstrong, however, if you want to, you could research him further and find out even more interesting infromation about him!

Maths - Live lesson

Still image for this video
Today we are going to be focusing on tenths and hundredths. We will go through this together during the lesson. Question and answer sheets are uploaded below.



9-9.30 - PE with Joe Wicks


Engish - Live lesson


Today, we are going to write the introduction for our biography about Neil Armstrong. We need to remember that when writing an introduction, it is a summary of what the text will be about. We can't give specific dates and details about Neil, as they should be in our different paragraphs we have planned! We need to make sure that we make clear to our reader who Neil is and why we are writing about him. This section does not have to be long, however it is tricky because we have to make sure it is only a summary! You can use the ebook and information you may have found on the internet to briefly tell us who Neil is and why we are writing about him.

Maths - Live lesson

Still image for this video
Today we are thinking about equivalent fractions. Remember that equivalent means equal / the same. We will go through this together in the live lesson. Work sheet and answers are uploaded below.
If you are finding the white rose sheet tricky, please stop and have a go at making your own fraction wall which is also uploaded below. You can always come back to the white rose one then, I would rather you be able to make equivalent fractions!



9-9.30 - PE with Joe Wicks


English - Live lesson

Today, we are going to begin to write our biography about Neil Armstrong. I would only expect you to write 2/3 paragraphs today to follow on from yesterday's introduction. We will be completing the biography tomorrow.

I would like you to use the plan you made on Monday and write your first section with me! I will be modelling how to do this on the live lesson. Take each point from your plan and turn it into a detailed paragraph. Your first one should be about his early life. Then, you are going to write another one or two paragraphs independently. 

I will put up a check list in the lesson so as you can check you have included what I have!

If you wish, you may add images to your work.

Maths - Live lesson

Still image for this video
We are continuing on from our work yesterday with equivalent fractions today. We will go through it together in the live lesson. Worksheet and answers are uploaded below.



9-9.30 - PE with Joe Wicks


English - Live lesson

Today, we are going to complete and edit our Neil Armstrong biography. First task is to look at your plan and write your remaining paragraphs, these will probably be a paragraph about Neil's pilot career and his work as an astronaut / landing on the moon. 

When we have completed all paragraphs of our biography, we are going to look at how we can go back through our work to edit and improve. Making sentences a bit longer through adding extra information is a good way to make our work better! Changing vocabulary to make it more exciting, such as nice changing to friendly, is also a good way of improving! When editing, use a different colour pen (or font as I have) to show that you have made changes!

Maths - Live lesson

Still image for this video
Today, we are looking at fractions greater than a whole. Remember, these are fractions which are bigger than one, we called them mixed numbers and they may look like this: 1 1/2



9-9.30 - PE with Joe Wicks


English - Live lesson

Today, I would like you to write a letter as Neil Armstrong. This is going to be an informal letter, meaning you are writing it to someone you know well. This could be family or friends. Because you are Neil, you need to make sure that you write in first person.

When you write the letter is up to you! You may be a child writing to a friend about your first journey in a plane, you may have moved to Texas to train to be an astronaut and be writing to a friend or family member. The choice is yours!

Make sure that you include all the features of an informal letter. I can included an example of these below to help you.

Shared writing from the lesson:


Maths - Live lesson

Today, we are going to do some problem solving of fractions greater than 1. I have uploaded the power point I will be using below. We will be focusing on slides 12-19. We will go through these together and use our knowledge of the work from yesterday to help us answer the questions. Remember, when we are problem solving, sometimes we may be asked to explain how we know. We need to make sure that we are putting proper explanations for these types of questions. Power point and worksheet below.
