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Wednesday 1st April 2020

Good morning Year 5 please find you home seats and be ready to learn! 


Live Lesson Streaming!

After Easter Year 5 will be start to have their lessons 'live' everyday.  We will be using Google Classroom to host the learning and pupils will get daily codes via there Google Classroom accounts to allow them access to the lesson. It will mean that lessons will take place at set times and the children will need to be on a device to access them.  There will be two lessons 9.30-10.30 and 11-12. The lessons can be accessed through a phone, tablet or laptop and the work from the lessons will be returned in the same way we are returning work now e.g. photographs, Class Dojo, Purple Mash.  By going live it will allow the children to interact with me, check misconceptions in real time and work with different groups at times during the lesson.  I am planning on having a trial with this later in the week and you should have recieved an email from Mrs Charman today with your child's login detials. Please try and login before Thursday but please do not click on the link that will be in their messages.

English - Please complete the task on the powerpoint video below. Also remember to complete two sessions of Reading Theory.


Wednesday 1st April English.wmv

Still image for this video
Maths - The lesson below will take you through today's learning and the question sheets are underneath. Please photograph and return.

Wed week 2 video.mp4

Still image for this video