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Week 1 Wk beg 20.04.20

Hello Class 2,  I hope you all had a lovely Easter.  I am really missing you all and had hoped we'd be back at school by now indecision

I will continue to set one piece of English and one piece of Maths each day which I'd like you to complete, then send to me via email or Dojo if you can please. There will be some other optional activities to do if you have time and would like to.  (I know lots of parents are still working though so don't worry about those).

Our new vehicle for the Summer term is The Seaside.  (It's a shame we didn't really get chance to complete Nurture Nature!)

We will complete our work on 'Wild' this week, then move on to a new text.  We also need to complete our Fractions work before moving on to Measures.  You will need to dig out a ruler for this work!
