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"Creativity can solve almost any problem."

-George Lois (American art director and designer)

Having art in our lives not only brings us pleasure; art offers us a chance to think, to be curious, to be amazed, or even confused.

What am I looking at?

What I am I listening to?

What am I reading?

What is this artist trying say?

How am I feeling?

What is this author trying to convey?

Reactions can vary greatly. People become more relaxed in a creative environment. When our mind and body are relaxed, ideas and inspirations come to us without effort. Some refer to this experience as divine intervention or being in-the-flow.


At St Austin's, we aim to ensure that all children can learn and develop their key skills in drawing, painting and sculpting by teaching a broad range of skills taken from the National Curriculum.

Each child has their own sketch book for the purpose of developing their artistic skills and showcasing their learning, development and understanding.


Children learn subject specific vocabulary that enriches their understanding of key skills and concepts which they then apply to their own ideas. All children have the opportunity to learn about famous artists and their impact on culture and artistic movements.


We use a See, think, wonder approach - children look at artwork, study pieces carefully and generate their own ideas and responses to the art they have encountered.

Some examples of artwork from our lessons:

Did you know these facts about some of the artists we learn about at St Austin's?


Vincent Van Gogh (1853 -1890)

Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter who painted many well known pictures.



Banksy is an anonymous England based street artist. He has been active since the 1990's. 


Pablo Picasso (1881 -1973)

Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist and theater designer. Many of paintings were very recognisable.


Andy Goldsworthy ( born in 1956)

Andy Goldsworthy is a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist who produces sculptures and landmarks in natural and urban settings.


William Morris (1834 - 1896)

William Morris was British textile designer, poet and novelist who designed many wallpapers and textile patterns.
