Year 4
Welcome to Year 4's Class Page!
Teacher: Miss O'Neill, Teaching Assistant: Mrs Hogan
Welcome to our Year 4 class page! I hope you had a great May half term. Myself and Mrs Hogan are very excited to have you back, and get straight into our learning. This term, we will be completing our multiplication check, so make sure you go on TTRS as much as possible! We have a very exciting term planned, so make sure to check our Summer curriculum tab to find out what we have been learning!
As always if you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 4 curriculum or any issues regarding your child please contact the school office to arrange an appointment either by phone or email
Please check back weekly to see what Year 4 have been up to as they love to share their learning journey!
Class Reminders
- Doors open at 8.40am for a prompt start at 8.45am. Year 4 finish at 3.20pm.
- PE will be Mondays and Thursday for the class and children should wear PE kit to school on these days.
- Homework will be set on a Thursday and will be due back in on the following Thursday.
Reading for Pleasure
Year 4 are currently reading - The girl who stole an elephant.
This thrilling tale takes us on a journey alongside a girl and her most important friends. It begins when they steal the queen's most prized possession, an elephant! The question that now needs to be answered, is this the beginning or the end for this group of children?
Our Class Saint - St Thomas More
This year, Year 4 have chosen their own class saint. We had a class discussion about three saints and narrowed it down to just one. The children created fact files about our class saint, which are displayed in our school hall.
Motto: 'I do not care very much what men say of me, provided that God approves of me.'
Our Vehicle this term is 'Learning from the past.'
This term we will be looking at how we have learnt from the past. We will be learning all about the Anglo Saxons and how they settled in Britain. We will also be looking at Claude Monet in Art, and understanding how his development of Impressionism changed the art world.
Year 4 Multiplication Check!
In Year 4, children are required to sit a statutory multiplication check in the summer term. Keep checking this page to find out more information!
Meanwhile, take as many opportunities to practise times tables with your children using Times Tables Rock Stars.