Home Work
We encourage children to read and enjoy books with the family regularly.
The children will bring home a book they have been reading in their phonics group, a library book and a ‘share with me’ book each week. Please sit together as a family and enjoy story time. Discuss the book and characters together. Please write in your child's reading diary what you read, what you discussed and how they did.
Each Friday, children will bring home a maths and english sheet in their homework book. The sheet will be linked to the work the children have been doing in class. Please complete the sheet for the following Wednesday.
Daily Maths
Your child will be set arithmetic tasks daily. These will take no more than 10 minutes to do at home.
Your child will be set an English task each week, focusing on forming sentences. This will be stuck into their homework book, but can also be found in the appropriate link below. This will be marked in class the following Wednesday.
Sheets will be stuck in children's homework books every Friday, however if your child has lost theirs, you can find it below.
Coming Soon! School Jam App