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School Council

At the beginning of the school year, children in Years 2-6 will be invited to apply to be members of our school council. They will give a presentation explaining why they should be voted in. Details of the elected candidates will be posted on the website as soon as they are known.


What is a School Council?

A school council is a group of pupils elected by their fellow pupils to represent their opinions and raise issues with the Headteacher and other staff in the school. The school council can also take forward projects on behalf of the pupils, and be involved in things like the School Development Plan and interviewing staff.


A school council:

  • Represents all pupils;
  • Takes time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views;
  • Feedback to pupils about what happened about their views;
  • Make things happen – or explain why they can’t!


St Austin's School Council achievements last year...

  • The school council ran a healthy tuck shop to raise awareness of healthy eating in school

  • The school council came up with ideas to help make playtimes more fun and safer for everyone.  They introduced playtime bags, toilet passes and monitors for cloakroom areas.  They also came up with the idea for an indoor lunch club on a rota for each class.

  • The school council have shared ideas for a new outdoor classroom and entered a competition to have this classroom built.


The School council meet regularly to bring issues to the attention of teachers and to share good ideas.

Keep logging on to read news about how our school council are improving our school.
