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Modern Foreign Languages

“Learning another language is not only learning

different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
Flora Lewis

At St Austin's, we believe in providing children with language skills that will open doors to the world, enabling them to seize every opportunity in life. Receiving high-quality education should promote children's curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world.


Learning a language can benefit children's understanding of the similarities and differences with other countries. In teaching Spanish, we make links across the curriculum so that our children are able to make connections with countries studied across the curriculum.

What do our pupils say about their MFL learning?

Year 3-

"I enjoy learning different languages. So far in Spanish I've learnt lots of greetings- Hola, Buenas Tardes, Buenas Noches and Buenas Dias."

Year 4-

"I like learning about the different meanings of words in Spanish, for example different body parts and numbers. I really enjoyed singing 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes' in Spanish for our vehicle showcase."

Year 5-

"I like doing Spanish because it's fun and when I went on holiday I was able to use what I had learnt. It was great because I could tell people my name and say please and thank you."

Year 6-

"I enjoy learning about different languages and seeing how people live in Spain. I've enjoyed learning about numbers because I know that if I ever visit Spain then I will be able to use my knowledge in the shops."
