E-Safety at St Austin's
E-Safety is intertwined throughout the Computing curriculum at St Austin's. As well as having focused units it is also regularly revisited through PSHE, assemblies and theme days. At St Austin's we used resources from our computing scheme Purple Mash but this is supplemented with resources from Childnet.com and Thinkuknow.co.uk
In Reception through to Year 4 children develop their knowledge of E-safety through the use of resources linked to Kara and the Smart Crew (Childnet.com). In Years 5 and 6 resources from Thinkuknow are used to address a range of age appropriate issues including online gaming and phones.
It is important to talk with your children regularly about their use of technology. They will need support in ensuring they apply appropriate filters and blocks to help keep them safe. The links below are a great place to check into to see the latest advice for parents and carers on how to keep your children safe when using enabled electrical devices.
If you have any concerns about any pupils use of technology please contact the school.