Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Teacher- Mrs Woolley Teaching Assistant- Mrs Charmin
Welcome to Spring term.
As always if you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 5 curriculum or any issues regarding your child please contact the school office to arrange an appointment either by phone or email:
-Doors open at 8.40am for a prompt start at 8.45am. Year 6 finish at 3.20pm.
-Reading books and reading diaries must be in school every day
-PE will be on Wednesday and Thursday (Swimming for the Autumn Term) (please come in your PE kit on these days- earrings must be taken out)
-Pupils who are travelling independently may bring a phone. All phones will be turned off and stored in the class phone box in the school office until the end of the day.
-Spellings will be given on a Monday.
-Homework will be given on a Friday
Timetable for Spring 2025
for W/C 20th January 2025
RE- Our next unit is Baptism- If you have ant pictures or photographs to share of your own Baptism, bring them in!
English- Century Tech nuggets- Fronted adverbials and Comprehension
Maths- Multiplication sheets