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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3's Class Page Summer 2023

 Year 3 have made a fantastic start to the term and are having lots of fun learning new things.  This term our Vehicle for learning is called 'Fratelli Tutti'.  This is an important letter that Pope Francis wrote to Catholics all over the world asking them to remember that we are all brother and sisters.  Every person in the world deserves to be treated with Dignity as a part of God's family.  During this vehicle we will be thinking of lots of different ways in which we can care for everyone and show respect to people and our environment.


Mrs Mawdsley and Mrs Hogan



If you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 3 Curriculum or any issues regarding your child, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment either by phone or email 


Please check back weekly to see what Year 3 have been up to as they love to share their learning journey!

Reading for Pleasure

This term we will be reading 'The Butterfly Lion' and 'Varjak Paw'.

Year 3 are really enjoying their music lessons with Mrs Heliker.  In RE they were learning about 'Belonging' to different communities and they recorded this super song.
