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Phonics is a vital part of the children's curriculum in year one. As a school, we follow the Read Write Inc. programme which helps support your child on their phonics journey! Please find below support and guidance which you may find helpful to support the children's learning at home.


I have included the powerpoint from the Phonics Information Evening for further help and support.


Please can children bring their phonics books daily. This is so that we can practice reading with your child each day and we can ensure that their books are changed regularly. 


Phonics books are changed weekly on a Thursday for all groups.


If you have any queries regarding phonics, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Miss McPherson


Phonics Information Evening Powerpoint 22.10.2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Red Words Reading Levels

'Live the Story' Guidance

Reception Recommended Reads

Year 1 Recommended Reads
