Summer Vehicle - Beside The Seaside
Games and ice cream for our seaside afternoon! 8.7.22
Seaside day crafts
During our vehicle, we will look at the way the seaside has changed in the last 100 years. We will be looking at weather and climate, considering how this impacts where people choose to go on holiday. We will consider how people would have travelled to their destination 100 years ago, compared to now. During DT we will be looking at puppets. Our aim at the end of the unit, is to produce a range of our own puppets, which can be used to put on a puppet show for Nursery! We hope to have our very own seaside day during the last week to celebrate all of our learning this term!
Mrs Jones will be posting pictures of our learning each week on this page, so check back to see what we have been up to in all of our lessons!
On Friday 24th June, we will be visiting the Black Country Living Museum. The children will be looking at how life has changed. This will be a wonderful link to our History topic "Changes in living memory."
26.4.22 - Today we kicked off our 'Beside the Seaside' vehicle by beginning to create our own animated seaside stories in computing.
We learned about Alfred Wallis and drew some of our own drawings inspired by him. 3.5.22
Year 1 learned about the Paschal candle and created their own. 4.5.22
Thursday 5th May - Acting out seaside activities from 100 years ago in Histroy.
6.5.22. In RE, we learned about our new virtues 'grateful' and 'generous'. We thought about how we could show these virtues, wrote them on leaves and hung them onto our new virtues tree.
11.5.22. Year 1 made their sock puppets today as part of their 'Puppet' unit in DT.
Using an orange in Science to look at the axis of the earth. We then used torches to see how the sun hits different parts of the earth at different times of the day.
We have been getting ready for the Jubilee by creating out own Pop Art inspired pictures of the Queen.
Sketching St Michael's Mount in Art. 23.5.22
Water colour study 6.6.22
In PSHE we have been learning about harmful and un-harmful substances. 6/6/22
We have been experimenting with ways we can make hair for puppets in DT with Miss Martinez. 8.6.22
Investigating plants in Science 9.6.22
On Thursday 16th June, we were lucky enough to be visited by Championship Referee Steve Martin as part of careers week. Steve told us all about his job and answered lots of our questions. We loved being able to have a go with the flags and buzzers, seeing the red and yellow cards and seeing the vanishing foam!
Planting sunflowers in Science.
Prayer crosses using sticks and wool
Our Liturgy Leaders lead us in a small prayer service, where we placed our crosses at Mary's Grotto and prayed together.
Year 1 had a fantastic day at the Black Country Living Museum!
Fabric faces in DT
Water-colour repeating patterns, inspired by Sanderson Wallpapers
RE: Easter, Pentecost, Sharing Jesus' Life, Following Jesus Today
English: RWI (phonics)
Maths: Multiplication, Division, Halves and Quarters, Position and Direction, Numbers to 100, Time and Money
Science: Weather, Plants
Geography: Water, Weather and Climate
History: Changes in Living Memory - The Seaside
PE: Throwing and Catching, Athletics
Computing: Coding, Spreadsheets and Technology Outside of School
ART: Alfred Wallis - 20th Century British Landscapes
D&T: Puppets
Music: Having fun with improvisation