week 3 (19.1.23
Phonics - this week we have added all of the set 1 sounds and the special friends as QR codes.
Using a phone or Ipad scan the QR code of the sound you want to learn.
These are available for 6 weeks so keep using them when needed.
- Remember to share a library book together (changed each Friday)
Ditty group -Ditty sheets to be practised each night
Blending books will be sent out by the end of this week, please read these to practise the fred talk
phonics QR codes Jan 23
This week we have been learning about:
RE - Baptism
Literacy - The book 'One snowy night'
Fred talking words (CVC or longer) and writing sentences
Maths - comparing numbers t o10
KUW - Chinese New Year
EAD - different effects
PE - Chinese dragon dancing