Let's Play!
This half term our vehicle is all about toys. We are building on our knowledge of old and new toys and how toys have changed over time.
We will be learning and playing some old games as well as visiting the toy museum at Cannock Chase.
Other things we are learning this half term:
- Physical Development – Rolling and bouncing balls, formation of letters
- RE – Easter and
- Expressive Arts and Design – making puppets (toys)
- KUW- how things have changed over a period of time (old and new toys)
- CLL/Literacy – Writing sentences
- Maths – counting on and backwards, Numbers to 20
- PSED- taking turn and resolving problems by ourselves
Dates for your diary:
RWI Set 2 meeting - 27th April 5pm in the school hall (approx 45 minutes long)
Trip to the toy museum - 24th May 2022