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Design Technology

Design and Technology at St Austin's 

At St. Austin’s Primary School we want every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of Design and Technology, and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their God-given talents. We firmly believe that the recipe for success is high quality first-wave teaching in Design and Technology, which is central to the life of our happy, caring school.

Look at what children say about DT at St Austin's....

Year 1 - 

Year 2 - 

Year 3 -Lili- " I've enjoyed making a box.  We are going to use a straw and balloon to open the lid.  If we blow through the straw into the balloon, the balloon will inflate and open the box."

Frank- "I enjoyed decorating my box.  We could choose which materials we wanted.  Hopefully, we are going to show our boxes to Year 1 children and demonstrate how the lids open with a balloon."

Lili-" It was hard making my castle because we had to make towers and a drawbridge that actually worked.  I twisted paper to make a mechanism for my drawbridge."

Frank-"My drawbridge worked and my castle was stable."


Year 4 - Maria-" I like using different techniques to build structures.  I made a pavillion out of paper, straw and wire."

Kitty-"I made my pavillion with Seth.  We made a cover with tissue paper."

"We worked in teams to make cookies.  We could make choc chip, vanilla or fruit. We made a little container for our cookies and we could decorate it how we liked."


Year 5 -Annabelle- " I have enjoyed making pillows. We designed a pattern, cut out the shapes and did some sewing."

Eric -"I enjoyed making spaghetti sculptures."  

"I liked cutting out the material for my pillow.  It will be red and blue and spherical in shape."

Annabelle-"We baked muffins and we had to decide what flavour our muffins would be.  We could choose savoury flavours or sweet flavours."


Year 6 - Skyla-"I made a playground activity which included a ladder, a tunnel and a slide.  We used

coloured card, glue, straws and wooden sticks."

Finley-"We were able to remember how to make a circuit when we made buzzer games."

"We made Christmas automata toys. We really had to think about what materials would work best for the job."

Skyla-"I enjoyed working in a group to make cheesecake for our menu.  I was pleased with the reaction from parents when they came to taste our food.  My mum really enjoyed the cheesecake."

Finley-"My mum really enjoyed the pasta."




Our Amazing DT work! 
