Year 3
Welcome to Year 3's Class Page
Teacher: Mrs Heenan TA: Mr McNally
A very warm welcome back to the children for the second half of the Summer Term. It's so nice to have the lighter, longer days and hopefully the warmer weather. The children have worked so hard over the last half term and enjoyed a fantastic trip to Victoria Park where their behaviour and enthusiasm was outstanding. Thank you for all your continued support and the time and energy that you put into making sure that the children are ready to learn each day at school. It is a pleasure to teach them.
As always if you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 3 curriculum or any issues regarding your child please contact the school office to arrange an appointment either by phone or email
Please check back weekly to see what Year 3 have been up to as they love to share their learning journey!
Saint Padre Pio
The children in Year 3 looked at different saints and voted to choose their
class saint. They chose Saint Padre Pio and they look forward
to learning more about this special saint.
Ready, Steady Read!
This Summer term, the vehicle in Year 3 will focus on reading. Reading gives so much pleasure and this vehicle is designed to widen the books that the children might read and teach them how to select new authors and genres. This will be done through engaging activities and making the most of the outdoors as the weather gets nicer.
I will be asking the children to share what they love to read and where they love to read.
Library books
The children now have the opportunity to change their library book on a Tuesday and a Friday.
Year 3/4 spelling list
The Children's homework will now be set on Century. Login cards and a letter has been sent home with the details of how to access this. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need further information.
Times Tables Rock Stars is a great way for your children to learn and practise their times tables.
In Year 3, we particularly focus on the 3's, 4's and 8's. Encourage your children to practise, learn and have fun.
Class Reminders
- Doors open at 8.40am for a prompt start at 8.45am. Year 3 finish at 3.20pm.
- PE will be Monday and Thursday. The class and children should wear PE kit to school on these days. Please make sure that the children have the appropriate PE kit for the time of year. Earrings should be removed on PE days.
- Homework will be given out on a Friday and is due in the following Friday. Please see the homework folder for more information.