Year 2
Welcome to Year 2!
Teacher: Miss Vaz
Teaching Assistants: Miss Myatt & Mrs Jones
The children have worked so hard this half term and have really enjoyed their learning. They have experimented with growing beans and cress in Science and are excited at the prospect of creating a school allotment as part of their "Staying Alive" vehicle.
As always, if you have any questions or worries please feel free to email me, via the school office email:
-Reading books and reading diaries must be in school every day (reading books are needed daily in Phonics lessons)
-PE will be on Tuesday and Friday (please come in your PE kit on these days)
Important dates:
-Thursday 9th June: Ancient High House trip
-Friday 1st July: Ash End Farm
-Allotment visit (TBC)
Our vehicle this term is:
Staying Alive!
This term we will be learning about the Great Fire of London, the best conditions for growing plants and we will be finding out about life in a Zambian village!
The outcome of our vehicle is to create our own 'class allotment'.
Click the links below to find out more about what we have being getting up to in our learning...