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'It is better to solve one problem five different ways, than to solve five problems one way. Mathematics, you see, is not a spectator sport.'

-George Polya




Problem-solving and good communication is at the centre of everything we do in our Maths lessons!

At St Austin's, we use Power Maths resources throughout the school from Reception to Year 6. Power Maths uses a Maths Mastery approach and creates consistency, ensuring each child builds secure foundations, allowing them to progressively construct and extend their mathematical understanding as they move through the school.  Every lesson is divided into sections that involve and encourage discovery, sharing, collaboration, practice and reflection. Children are encouraged to solve problems each day through the use of concrete resources, pictorial representations and abstract thinking. 

Power Maths is written specifically for UK curriculum classrooms by leading mastery experts from around the world and recommended by the UK’s Department for Education.

What our children say about Maths:

Year 2- "I enjoy Maths, because I like subtracting and adding numbers. I like making big numbers and know that pictures can help us out!"

Year 1- "I use my counters and cubes in Maths to help me if I find something tricky."

Year 3- "Maths is important because you need it it to help you in life- for example when you are counting money."

Year 6- "I like using journals in Maths, especially when learning new things. I can look back at my methods to help myself if I forget."

Year 4- "In Maths I always try my hardest and I enjoy using the different equipment in lessons."

Year 5- "Scientists will need Maths when they are measuring out things for investigations, so it is very important."


Be inspired, be the best!

Here at St Austin's we believe that learning about the best can help us become the best. As Galileo himself stated ‘If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.’

Did you know...

  • Isaac Newton  is credited as the man who actually invented calculus.
  • Our number systems is based on Hindu- Arabic number system that was spread to the western world through trade links in the 5th century.
  • 'Mathematics is the cradle of all creations, without which the world cannot move an inch. Be it a cook or a farmer, a carpenter or a mechanic, a shopkeeper or a doctor, an engineer or a scientist, a musician or a magician, everyone needs mathematics in their day-to-day life. Even insects use mathematics in their everyday life for existence.' Mathematics teacher at Kendriya Vidyalaya, CRPF Amerigog, Guwahati.