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Sun, Sea and Sand

This half term the children will be enjoying their Sun, Sea and Sand vehicle.


We will be looking at how we can stay safe when visiting the beach and who helps us. 

The children will also understand what we need to keep our own bodies protected from the sun.


How it is important to help keep our beaches and seas clean and safe.

We will be extending our learning into how it is so important to recycle our rubbish to help our beaches and animals stay happy and safe.

Here are some of the books the children will be reading.


The children have already been learning all about what an Author is and what an illustrator does.

They have also been learning that on the back cover it is called a blurb, and it tells you a little about what the story will be about.

The sea snail slithered all over the rock and gazed at the sea and the ships in the Dock. And as she gazed and sniffed and sighed. "The sea is deep and the world is wide! How I long to sail!" Said the tiny snail.....

What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside, Read Aloud Kids Story Book | Aluna White

sharing a shell by Julia Donaldson

When the little hermit crab finds a shiny new shell he doesn't want to share it - not with a blobby purple anemone and a tickly bristleworm. Can the three creatures find a way to get along?

The Singing Mermaid by Julia Donaldson - Children's Story Read Aloud by This Little Piggy

The Singing Mermaid, tempted by the greedy circus owner Sam Sly to live in fame and luxury, experienced nothing but the brutal living conditions of the circus life. Longing for her beautiful home Silversands, she eventually escaped the circus with the help of her friends. Julia Donaldson, you have done it again!

Commotion In The Ocean by Giles Andreae

A delightful collection of short poems about creatures that live under or near the ocean. The large brightly coloured illustrations by David Wojtowycz give added character and whimsy to the poems.
