SATs May 2024
Information for SATs - May 2024
While these are non-statutory assessments, our Painsley academy has made the decision that all schools will conduct these assessments, including our class at St Austins. Children in Year 2 will be sitting their SATs in the weeks before half term.
What tests will our class be sitting?
Your child will sit six tests altogether. There are two maths tests, two reading tests and two spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) tests.
Maths Paper One- This paper will test your child on the four operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In year 2, children should be confident on their numbers to 100 to assist them with this.
Maths Paper Two- As well as paper one skills, paper two will test your child on fractions, measurement, geometry and statistics. It is in this paper where there will be lengthier word questions and questions which may require the children to complete multiple steps to reach the answer.
Reading Paper One- In this paper, children will be required to read a short text and then answer a series of comprehension questions, based on this text.
Reading Paper Two- Similarly, children need to answer a series of comprehension questions based on the texts that they have read, however, the texts that the children will be reading will be much longer.
SPaG Paper One- This is a 20 word spelling test. Children will be read aloud a word, in the appropriate context in a sentence, and they need to write down the correct spelling.
SPaG Paper Two- In this paper, children are able to showcase their knowledge of grammar and punctuation. For example, this includes knowing word classes and showing the correct use of punctuation.
When will our class be sitting these tests?
In the week commencing Monday 6th May, the children will start sitting their exams. All six exams are going to be carried out in the three weeks before May half term.
Please ensure that, where possible, your child is in school each day and arrives promptly at 8:40. It is vital that the children are in school during this period, not only to ensure that they do not miss their exams, but to be able to take part in important revision and materials which will support them further in these exams. Most of the exams will be starting at 9am, it is important that all children are sat at their desks ready for this time so that we are not delayed in starting.
If your child is ill and absent from school on the day of a test, there is the possibility for the child to take this at an alternative time but this will need to be before half term.
How to help at home.
In preparation of these exams, using past papers and practice papers is really valuable revision. Since the start of Year 2, we have used previous years past papers to see each child's progress, these are available for you to use and practice at home. I have attached different files below of papers which can be used to support your childs learning but if there are any worries or issues, please do not hesitate to contact our Year 2 team on
I am so proud of each and every child in our class. Their consistent hard work and effort is really shining through in their work and I look forward to seeing them showcase their abilities in these tests.
Miss McPherson