School Logo

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3's Class Page

Teacher: Miss Harratt  Teaching Assistant: Mrs Charman 


Welcome to Spring Term. I wish you all a warm welcome back to school. I hope you had a lovely rest over the holidays! I am very excited to continue your Year 3 learning journey with you and get to know more about you as individuals. 


As always if you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 3 curriculum or any issues regarding your child please contact the school office to arrange an appointment either by phone or email:



Class Reminders

  • Doors open at 8.40am for a prompt start at 8.45am. Year 3 finish at 3.20pm.
  • PE will be Tuesday and Wednesday. The class and children should wear PE kit to school on these days. Please make sure that the children have the appropriate PE kit for the time of year. Earrings should be removed on PE days. 
  • Homework will be given out on a Thursday and is due in the following Thursday. Please see the homework folder for more information. 


Reading for pleasure: 

Year 3 are currently reading -  

The First Drawing - By Mordicai Gerstein

Imagine you were born before the invention of drawing, more than thirty thousand years ago. You would live with your whole family in a cave and see woolly mammoths walk by! You might even see images of animals hidden in the shapes of clouds and rocks. You would want to share these pictures with your family, but wouldn't know how. Who would have made the world's first drawing? Would it have been you?

Our Class Saint - 

This year, Year 3 have chosen their own class saint. We had a class discussion and we have chosen St Andrew Dung-Lac. Year 3 chose him to be our class saint as his motto links to our school's mission statement and he showed the importance of spreading God's love. He was a great role model for showing kindness to those in need. 

His motto: May we be your children in name and in truth through spreading your love among our brothers and sisters. 

