Year 2
Welcome to Year 2's Class Page!
Teacher - Miss McPherson
TA - Mrs Smith
Welcome back to the Summer Term. Year 2 is an exciting time with lots of fun things planned for the children!
As always if you wish to discuss any aspect of the Year 2 curriculum or any issues regarding your child please contact the school office to arrange an appointment either by phone or email
Please check back weekly to see what Year 2 have been up to as they love to share their learning journey!
Our New Class Saint - St Lucy
At the start of the term, the children had a vote to choose between 3 Saints and the class chose St Lucy as our new Saint for year 2! The children felt that her dedication to God showed how much she loved Him, and this is something which the class felt was very important when they were making their decision.
St Lucy Feast Day - 13th December
Year 2 Spelling Lists
I just want to share with you all an updated spelling list for year 2! These are words which children need to be able to confidently spell by the end of the year. We will be doing lots of practice of these words in class but please also practice these at home!
Year 2 this week!
British Values - Tolerance
This half term we have been looking at the British Value of Tolerance and what it means to us! The children made some beautiful posters about this value and discussed the way in which we can show tolerance in our day-to-day lives. The class then linked this value to being kind and respectful and set themselves a challenge of doing at least one good deed a day!
Super Historians!
In history, we have been looking at the lives of significant people- Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale! We found out that the conditions in the hospitals at the time were really poor, there were no lights, wounded soldiers were sleeping on the floor and there were even rats! The children tried to imagine what this would be like, we shut the blinds and turned off the lights, those that were soldiers were close together and we had only one doctor to try and help them all! We found that significant changes needed to be made so that hospitals could actually help people.
Grow, Grow, Grow!
We have super gardeners in year 2! We have started our ‘plants’ topic in science and this week the children we able to plant their own sunflowers! We will be watching the flowers grow and observing each stage of their growth. We can’t wait to see how tall they can grow!
Stafford Castle - Tuesday 11th June 2024
I am so excited that we will be going to Stafford Castle together on Tuesday 11th May! This is to help our English writing as we will be writing a recount about our day once we come back. I have attached the letter below for your information.
Depending on weather, please can you ensure that your child brings a sun hat and sun cream as we will be walking to and from the castle, and most of the activities will be outside.
Please could you also let the office, or myself, know if your child is bringing their own lunch, or if you would like a school packed lunch. The children should bring plenty of water with them as well.
If you have any worries or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.
Miss McPherson
We are currently reading: Matilda by Roald Dahl
Class Reminders
- Doors open at 8.40am for a prompt start at 8.45am for the children's phonics lesson.
- Year 2 finish at 3.20pm.
- PE will be Tuesday and Friday for the class and children should wear PE kit to school on these days. Please can earrings be removed on PE days.
- Can all PE kits and uniforms be labelled with your child's name.
- Homework is handed out on a Friday and due back in on a Wednesday