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Excellent Remote Learning

Parent Feedback

81% of parents feel that their child has settled into a good routine for remote learning.

93% of parents feel that we have clearly explained how to access remote learning.

91% feel that the school continues to have high expectations for its students during this period.

91% of parents feel that there is a good range of subjects covered by our remote learning.

84% of parents would recommend St Austin's remote learning to other parents.


"I think the provision of online learning is fantastic. The teachers are doing an amazing job
teaching the class and providing online learning to the children at home, which must be a
challenge in itself - a big thank you and well done."


"The Year 6 remote learning is running very smoothly from my viewpoint and I can’t praise
you all enough for all of your hard and difficult work. It is greatly appreciated. Thank you."


"I think the team at St Austin's have done a tremendous job in ensuring our children have
access to online learning during what is a very difficult time for all. Well done and thank you"
