Ofsted Praises Happy Children, Happy Parents and Happy Staff at St Austin’s
Pupils and staff at St Austin’s Catholic Primary School are delighted with their latest Ofsted judgment of ‘Good’ following a recent one-day inspection.
St Austin’s has not been inspected since 2011 and has been through a period of significant change, becoming part of The Painsley Catholic Academy in September 2018. The latest Ofsted report concludes “the leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. They have worked well together to identify priorities for improvement and strengthen existing good practice.’ The report goes on to state that ‘you (as Executive Headteacher) have high expectations of yourself, your staff and your pupils.’
Highlighting the happiness of parents, pupils and staff at the school as key strengths, the inspector reports,
“Parents and carers are very positive about the school and its leaders. All the parents who responded .. said they would recommend the school to another parent.. Pupils..overwhelmingly agreed that they were very happy at school. Staff enjoy working at the school. They feel happy and well supported…with staff saying that they were proud to work at the school.”
Ofsted concludes that St Austin’s is a ‘warm and welcoming’ school.
Executive Headteacher, Mrs Bernadette Corbett said, “I’m really delighted by the positive comments in the Ofsted Inspector’s report. School should be a positive partnership between children, parents and staff in order to enable pupils to learn effectively, enjoy learning and reach their full potential. I would like to congratulate the whole school community on this wonderful outcome.”
Mr Steve Bell, Chief Executive Officer of The Painsley Catholic Academy commented, “This is a great result for the school. Schools need to be happy places whilst maintaining high standards in terms of behaviour and teaching and learning. St Austin’s has clearly managed to achieve this and I am confident that their students will continue to benefit from this balance.”