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English - Live lesson 9:30


Today, you are going to write a character description of your own. I would first of all like you to draw a picture of your creature, it can be any made up creature that you like! You may choose to mix a shark and a horse, I don't mind! Once you have drawn it, have a go at noting down some of your ideas in a bubble, I have uploaded mine that I will share in the lesson below:

Once you have your ideas, you can move onto writing your character description! I would start it of by giving your creature a name, that way you can introduce it straight away in your starting sentence! Try and use as many language features as possible, such as similes, metaphors, adjectives etc.


Please remember to send me your completed work.

Maths Live lesson 11am


Today, we are continuing our work on subtraction. We will be looking at problem solving questions. Remember, for some of these you may need to explain your answers and how you worked them out.


I will tell you which worksheet you will be working on during the live lesson.
