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Week 2

Optional Activities for Thursday afternoon and the Easter Holidays

  • Make Easter cards for family and friends
  • Create a tour of Stafford guide- Think about the landmarks in Stafford (e.g.Stafford Castle, The Windmill, Ancient High House, St Chad's Church) and make a tour guide leaflet
  • Think of an idea for our Leavers' song 2020.  Choose a song you like, change/adapt the lyrics.

Week 2 Home Learning

This week in Year 6 we will be continuing with our live-streamed lessons.  Thank you for the many positive comments I received about the lessons last week.  It is a very different way of teaching and I know it is not ideal.  Let's hope and pray we will be able to return to school before the end of term. 


Thank you to all of the children who have been submitting work by email, on Class Dojo and via Purple Mash.  I can see that you are all working hard and doing your best.


Our English for the week will be based around alternative versions of Traditional Tales (I thought this would be a bit of fun before the Easter holidays!).  Lessons will be live-streamed from 9.30am-10.30am.


Maths lessons will be all about Ratio.  Lessons will be live-streamed from 11am-12pm.


The optional afternoon activities can be seen in the timetable below.  I will continue to put the lesson materials on google classroom.


English Lesson 31.3.20

Plan for the week
